Notary Public Ignacio Pérez

If you wish you can contact the company through

Notary Public Ignacio Pérez

Ignacio Pérez Notary's Office will help you with all your legal formalities. The office offers products and services for notarial activities in Benidorm.

Has a family member or friend died recently? Have you visited your bank seeking a loan? Do you need some sound advice for your family or your business?

Do not hesitate to contact the Office of Notary Public Ignacio Pérez. Our office has over 35 years experience and tradition in providing services to the public. You will receive direct and personal attention from the notary public who will deal with your affairs in a safe and transparent manner, especially in matters of wills and testaments and inheritance issues.



 Vía Emilio Ortuño, 5 - 3.°
Edificio Capitol, frente al Ayuntamiento de Benidorm
03501 Benidorm (Alicante)

De 09:00 a 15:00 h y de 17:00 a 19:00 h.

Other information: opposite Benidorm Town Hall.
Opening hours: 09:00-15:00 and 17:00-19:00 h.

Contact form

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